[Music Intro]

Mary Kate Luke: Hi everyone, I am Mary Kate Luke, the marketing specialist at Hasmark Publishing International. Today, I’m joined by my co-host Jen Gibson, the director of marketing and publishing at Hasmark. We’re excited to introduce Nancy Potter, a wonderful author who’s written the beautiful book “Barber’s Cut: Beyond The River’s Reach.” Nancy, we’re thrilled to chat with you today about your special story and its family ties.

Nancy Potter: Thank you, I’m delighted to be here.

Mary Kate Luke: Nancy, could you share with us a bit about the writing process and how your journey with this book began?

Nancy Potter: Absolutely. This book has been a long labor of love for me. It started back in 1985, sitting on the Lanai at my parents’ house, recording stories from my grandparents, who are portrayed as Lily and Tom in the book. The main characters, Jenny and Clyde, are based on my great-grandparents. Though I never really knew them, their stories were a constant part of my life, told by my grandmother Lily. This connection inspired me to start writing in the year 2000, and my home is filled with pieces of their lives, keeping me connected to them.

Jen Gibson: That sounds incredibly personal. When did you decide to share this story with the world?

Nancy Potter: I always knew I wanted to share it. Growing up with larger-than-life family stories, I believed they were worth retelling. Despite suggestions that others might not find a family story interesting, I was determined to share it. As I delved deeper into their lives, I realized they were human beings, not just the heroes I had imagined. Their lives were grander than most, but they faced the same challenges we all do.

Mary Kate Luke: It sounds like you discovered many interesting facets of their lives. Was it difficult to decide what to include in the book?

Nancy Potter: It was a challenge to condense my great-grandfather Clyde’s ‘thousand-page life’ into a 550-page book. There were suggestions to split it into two books, but I felt strongly about keeping it as one. The process involved removing a chapter and making tough decisions about what to include.

Jen Gibson: Were there any significant challenges or obstacles you faced during this project?

Nancy Potter: The length of the book was a significant challenge, and finding the confidence to stick to my decision despite advice to the contrary was difficult. Balancing writing with personal life, especially caring for my two sons who had health and sensory issues, was also a hurdle. However, thanks to a close friend’s support, I was able to write full-time for a period, which was crucial in completing the book. Additionally, extensive research for historical accuracy was an unexpected but essential part of the process.

Mary Kate Luke: What message do you hope readers take away from your book?

Nancy Potter: I hope readers understand that regardless of their background, they can achieve anything they set their minds to. My great-grandfather Clyde’s life is a testament to that. I believe in the power of the mind to conceive and achieve dreams, a principle that is central to the book.

Jen Gibson: Who would benefit the most from reading your book?

Nancy Potter: Anyone can enjoy and benefit from this book. It’s not only entertaining but also inspirational. It encourages introspection and self-reflection about human nature and the complexity of people’s lives.

Mary Kate Luke: When is “Barber’s Cut” launching, and where can people find more about you online?

Nancy Potter: The book launches on April 4th on Amazon. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest under Nancy Potter author, with specific handles and IDs provided.

Jen Gibson: Thank you, Nancy, for this engaging conversation. We eagerly anticipate the launch of “Barber’s Cut” and its impact on readers.

Nancy Potter: Thank you both. It’s been a pleasure to share my journey.

[Music Outro]